
COVID-19 Modeling Data

COVID-19 modelling data – 24 April 2020

The numbers generated through this model cannot be interpreted as predictions of what will occur during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Rather, they should be treated as estimates of what might happen, based on the assumptions used in generating these estimates and the modelling strategy used. The model aims to provide decision makers with potentially useful but heavily caveated information that will be refined as more information becomes available. The point of the model is not to predict the future, it’s to influence it, help us prepare for it and choose a good course of action.
Our analyses on COVID-19 infections, hospitalizations, and testing can be found at the links below:
Summary for modelling for Bermuda
Modelling Estimates for Bermuda and Potential impact of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPIS) 24 April 2020